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Meowtastic Mewsic :3
- -+ Weekly recomandation from yours one and trully +- -


Week 8
Meowtasitc words and thuoghts:


This weekend is Pcmusic / SOPHIE weekend.
I don't really have anything to say abt this week's choice lol...
But for the past week I was hooked on the genre.
I found out abt Sophie (Pcmusic as well but i knew some of their influence so idk if it counts) quite recently, altough I fell in love with her stuff almost immidietly.
She brings me a lot of hope and pride when... when like... yk...

Ig its my new era lol

Have fun listening!

Week 7
Meowtasitc words and thuoghts:

I'm happy to announce this week's choice. Have a great Sunday!

Week 6
Meowtasitc words and thuoghts:

The posting schedule I chose at the start of this """blog""" is not working as well as I thought...
Therefore, I'll be changing the posting schedule to every weekend (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday).

I decided not to choose a genre for this week because I think I'm going to move away from the idea of new and different genres and just post songs I like.
So yeah, with that being said... here are some songs that I found quite interesting.
Byebye <3
Week 5

- =+ BONUS TRACK += -

Meowtasitc words and thuoghts:

Sorry once more for being Lil late with the entry but yesterday I got a tiny bit too drunk...

For this week's entry I choose Lofi => (Yeah no scrap that its not lofi.
Those are just a tad bit slower and calmer songs.)

To me it was the gate way to creating my own music taste. Nowadays lofi => (Again, not EXACTLY lofi) isn't exactly my fav but it sure was at some point ahahaha.
So here are some songs I chose.

BONUS SONG: => (actual lofi)
Made by my friend, for his significant other (I assume).
Show it some love!
Week 4
Meowtasitc words and thuoghts:
Hardcore cat

...Im sorry for no notes for now... im really sleepy :3
Week 3
Meowtasitc words and thuoghts:
Hola Señorita

For the third week I chose Hyperpoop

The genre nowadays is mostly a throw away term as anything pop like can be called hyperpop if you look at it right.
These are my some of my fav astrists

These are my current favorites :)
Week 2
Meowtasitc words and thuoghts:
Tis me Ms. MeowMeowington

Second week is here and I kindly urge you all to listen to some of ambient and (or) experimental electronic music

While exploring the internet around 2010s I found my fav online radio station (i do not remeber anything abt it besides it being on Ms music player). I remember it playing some of the aphex twin's songs and made me fall in love with this genre.

Week 1
Meowtasitc words and thuoghts:

As for the first week,
I would like to present to you,

Dariacore is music genre created by Leroy (aka. Jane Remover)
It's insanly energetic and fast paced.
(it's just so fun to listen to)
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :3